Digital Geeks

Static Website Development


Static Website Development

As a shopper at whatever point they are needing any item or administrations, the main thing they do is click on each organization site and check out the best accessible alternative for them. More often than not site with the most alluring and engaging destinations that is addressed by significant and accommodating substance win the core of purchaser.

Since our commencement, Digital Geeks has helped many customers to take care of their business issue by turning into the voice of their image and communicating it in a significant manners to their important clients. We are top of the line site planning master situated at New Delhi, conveying eye-getting sites to various of all shapes and sizes organizations.

Looking For a Well Deserved
Website Development Firm

What you get at Digital Geeks?

Expansion in deals and traffic

Top to bottom plan measure with broad examination on your rival, a full business survey and great outcomes that make leads, deals, and more traffic for your business.


The mystery of our prosperity is to convey worked on plan measure that saves your time and produce astounding outcomes at a reasonable and relatively cutthroat cost.

Excellent and powerful coding

Our website specialist are specialists who ensure that every single component of your new webpage stacks rapidly, perform effectively on all programs and drive genuine outcome for your clients.

Site advancement

To improve your Google positioning every one of our destinations accompany top to bottom website streamlining and appropriate advertising guide that help you to drive genuine deal to your webpage


The group of Digital Geeks is improved with heft of involvement and broadened aptitude in web composition, advancement and advancement.

On time conveyance

This one of the extra benefit you generally appreciate as a customer of Digital Geeks . We esteem our time and venture by conveying the task on time.Some talk about expansions in deal and traffic however Digital Geeks really creates them. We are something beyond a traffic age organization. We trust in your input and furthermore your insight and comprehension of your business and market. Consistently sure that you are content with the heading we are going on the grounds that your fulfillment is the last thing that matter the most for us.

Static sites are HTML sites with fixed data and illustrations. Digital Geeks is a main Indian static site planning organization. Our expert group is occupied with making fruitful computerized advertising ideas. We do give planning arrangements and administrations to our unblemished customers. Static sites are jazzy, with creator ideas as we plan each site with another philosophy. Hand craft at reasonable ease is our claim to fame.

Digital Geeks works in planning sites with imaginative thoughts and contemporary planning ideas. Our group got aptitude of more than 20 years in giving interesting and quality expectations to our expanded customer areas. What’s more, we accept that settles on us an ideal decision for many fulfilled clients all around the world.


Our Pricing Package

Basic Plan

$ 24
  • SEO Audits
  • SEO Management
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Link Building
  • Site Migration

Standart Plan

$ 59
  • SEO Audits
  • SEO Management
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Link Building
  • Site Migration

Premium Plan

$ 89
  • SEO Audits
  • SEO Management
  • SEO Copywriting
  • Link Building
  • Site Migration


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